Solution for the Corrupt Elections in the U.S. and the hamstringing of the Communist-Demoncrap-Republishams

Solution for the Corrupt Elections in the U.S. and the hamstringing of the Communist-Demoncrap-Republishams

There are approximately 600 cities, counties, and states that are considered to be “sanctuaries” in the United States.  The phrase “Sanctuary City” is actually blasphemy against the Bible. 


The Permanence and Authority of Law [see the brief introduction that appears on this page BELOW the PDF] UPDATED

This is available in booklet form combined with other titles

- The Permanence and Authority of Law & The Fear of God... —an Obsolete Concept with The Essence of Delusion & Supralapsarianism Reconsidered, Balaicius, 80pp., 7.00...

Do we actually need a Constitutional Amendment for Congress and the President to Obey the Constitution...?

Tennessee is allegedly taking steps to invoke the Constitutional protections from Federalism; despite the fact each state, county, and city is a corrupt mini federal bureaucracy of its own; despite the fact that each follow a democratic-appearing socialism, and not that of a Constitutional Republic. 

The LAW is the Constitution based upon the intent of the Founders and...

Reparation Constipation...?


If blacks who were never slaves, in a state that never had slaves, can get millions of dollars in “reparations” for something that never happened to them... can we whites who never owned slaves get millions of dollars for all the wealth that we would have made sitting back letting those blacks who weren't slaves work on the plantations...

I Just had to “Chime” in concerning Fools and Perverts Skating on Thin Ice and Pfizer Pfreak Show & short joke that applies to doctors, pharma drugs, and credit cards (UPDATED)

And, I would like to point out the hypocrisy (concerning the anti-intellectualism, dishonesty, mental derangement as the news story highlights in the below video)... the leftists perverters of society will cry "trust the science" (though the science is against it) in regard to vaxxs, but, when it comes to BIOLOGY you are supposed to IGNORE the science... ignore the fact that even demented freaks who have a "sex change" operation—does NOT change their chromosomal DNA of every single cell in...

Peanuts Cartoon: Lucy again fools gullible Charlie Brown with the old Football trick..., which represents treasonous RINO politicians telling lies making the people think that this time is different and that they can be trusted

Truth - Testimony from the most unlikely source

There was a Jewish fellow near Ithaca NY, who confessed Christ, and had read all my books (several times, in addition to reading them at least once out loud to his wife as she knitted)... and he was in 100% agreement with all I wrote, year after year.  He gave me the following endorsement, but asked that I not publish it until he passed away (which he did about a week ago), as he feared his own people might exact revenge against him for telling the truth.


Testimony of Richard P....

EAT THE CHEESE - Communist Government Incentives (humorous cartoon PDF)

See PDF displayed at this page.

This brainwashing / incentive / guilt tripping / trickery / marketing / forceful compliance to outright lies can be compared to most any “official version” false narrative of the de facto “government” (whether Faux-vid, WWII, U.S. slavery, the “Chosenites”, the “Universal Brotherhood of Man” heresy, homo-acceptance, or submission to and compliance with any other...

THIS IS THE EVIDENCE THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN USED TO EXONERATE THE POLICE OFFICERS involved in "St. George" the Floyd's Suicide by Drugs and Anxiety while in custody UPDATED WITH NEW video link that does NOT require AGE VERIFICATION


WATCH THE LINK OF THE VIDEO TITLED, "2 cops in over their heads..."  The video link should appear at the TOP of this article IF YOU OPEN THE article or view from the homepage..  Later in the article I have news links ABOUT the officers and the criminal and the incident... at the very bottom of this article I have 2 more VERY IMPORTANT SHORT VIDEO links of DIFFERENT, but related events.


The Dragon Vomits forth a Flood and Nebuchadnezzar’s Image - Christendom - The Last Kingdom of this Earth’s Age & Of Floods and Famines and Flimsy Arguments

Download both PDFs in order to be able to read in full screen in larger print (and for any links in the text to work).  If for some reason any links in the PDFs are not clickable, simply copy and paste to your browser.

See also

This other important link

(and please...

You’ll Own Nothing — and be HAPPY...!!! - Houston We Have a Problem...! & Tax - Tax - Tax - A Crime With Rhyme!

Am I the only one who remembers this “ancient history” from 4 years ago...?

Click on the below links and scroll through the photos of the massive bike / scooter sharing fiasco...

Now add the motto “You’ll own nothing and be happy...!” to those photos...!...
